Your Participant Center
Your Participant Center
We encourage you to log in to your Participant Center and take advantage of its many great features. It's so easy to use and will likely be your most effective fundraising tool.
Click here to Log InLogging in to your participant center
Click on Log In in the top right corner. If you are not already logged in, fill in your username and password and click log in. If you are logged in, click on Tour de Pier to access your participant center.
Fundraising with your participant center
Here are a few ways that you can utilize your Participant Center to raise more:
- Set Up Your Personal and Team Page. To do this, click on the Personal Page or Team Page Tab and start to edit. You can upload one photo or insert the link to one YouTube video that will be displayed on your page.
- Create a friendly personal page URL.
- At the top of the Personal or Team Page tab, you will find your url. If you click on "URL Settings" you will be able to create a friendly URL.
- Upload contacts and send e-mails. Click on the email tab. Here you are able to select an e-mail template to get you started, personalize your email, add contacts and send away!
- View your progress and update your goal. By clicking on the progress tab, you can view how much you have raised, update your fundraising goal and enter offline gifts that you have received.