Social Media
The Power of Social Media is Real
We use social media every day to check in on our favorite people, share the puppy photo that's too cute for words and post just one more image of mouth-watering food. It can be a powerful tool to spread any message you want to share. So why not use it to give your fundraising a boost? Here are some easy steps to up your fundraising game.
#RideOn, #SeattleTourdePier, #TDPSea, #movecharityforward
1. Get connected! Find and follow us to stay up to date on all the latest Tour de Pier developments.
2. Add your story! Read our powerful Why I Ride stories to find inspiration and motivation to share your own story. Storytelling is a great way to fundraise.
3. Spread the word! Let people know how hard you are training (or not), fundraising and recruiting for your team. Showing off all your hard work makes it even easier to ask for donations, and helps drop those subtle reminders.
- a. Post your training accomplishments as you complete them. Just finished a spin class? Post that selfie now with a link to your fundraising page
- b. Mention Tour de Pier in your posts and be sure to hashtag it with #TDPSea, #TourdePierSeattle #movecharityforward
- c. Talk it up. The more you post about your experience, the better. Share your favorite costume ideas, instructors, training music, cycling shoes or cross-training activities. Don’t be shy - we are all working to move charity forward!