9th Annual Thrill In Da-Ville 5K
10th Annual Thrill In Da-Ville 5K
September 5, 2009 marked the very first Labor Day Road Race "Thrill in Da-Ville" 5K in memory of Nancy Faye Tribble who passed away on July 23, 2009 from pancreatic cancer. During her eleven year battle, she advocated for the research to help cure this disease. Since that time, we have lost another dear friend and loved one to this horrible disease. Larry Lindquist lost his battle with pancreatic cancer on June 19, 2014. In lieu of flowers, the family of Ms. Tribble requested that donations be made to the Hirshberg Pancreatic Cancer Foundation. This became the focal point and main objective of the road race.
This inaugural road race was attended by a small group of family and friends who not only contributed to the "fund-raising" event, but also provided a source of healing for all participants. Since that first year, the number of participants has more than tripled. Currently, this event has netted nearly $25,000 for the cause!
I am honored to be able to continue this event in both Nancy and Larry's name, to be able to coordinate this effort to raise money for such a well-deserving organization and to do it in memory of individuals whose laughter, stories and infectious enthusiasm and gusto for life have touched and blessed all those with whom they came in contact.
I have created a Facebook page "Thrill in Da-Ville" in memory of Nancy Tribble to which I have posted pictures from each of the previous road races. www.facebook.com/InMemoryOfNancyTribbleLaborDayRoadRace
Please visit the page, like and share!
The 10th Annual Thrill In Da-Ville 5K will be held on Saturday, September 1, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. at 110 Admirals Point Circle Dawsonville, Georgia 30534.
YTD: $24,428 and counting!!!!
2009 - $700.00
2010 - $1,470.00
2011 - $3,839.00
2012 - $2,525.00
2013 - $3,170.00
2014 - $3,703.00
2010 - $1,470.00
2011 - $3,839.00
2012 - $2,525.00
2013 - $3,170.00
2014 - $3,703.00
2015 - $3,037.00
2016 - $2,784.00
2017 - $2,200.00
Thank you for your 2017 donations (as of 9/7/2017): Cory & Co Realty, Janet Francis, Jackie Linduist, Angela Mock, Jeff Pierce, Robin Potter, Jill Hodges, Lisa Cannon, Tina Sweat, Tracey Cole, Gerry Johnson, Doreen Hansard, Mary Holloway, Abby & Joel Bender, Melissa Spears, Don & Cathy Gabig, Drew & Lorraine Rice, Judy Holloway, Betsy Lindquist, Clay Jolly, Cavelle Benjamin, Mary Clement, Lance Layson, Pam Tuggle, Carol Welch, Denise Hansard.
Thank you for your 2017 sponsorship: Cory & Co Realty, WBCA, Atlanta Team Sportswear, Ben Herndon, Angela Mock, Chick Fil-A - Dawsonville, Crucilla Law Firm, The Home Depot - Decatur, and Hirshberg Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research.