Hey Man, it is that time of year. This May 18th, I will once again be riding in the Tour de Pier. As many of you know I lost my dad to brain cancer and my brother to Pancreatic cancer. I can't think of any community of which I am affiliated that has not lost people to these terrible diseases. From the Stand-up Comedy world, to friends and family in both CA and KY, From St James Grade School, Trinity High School, and Western KY Rugby, in all of these areas of my life I have lost people to these cancers..
Just one example of how the Tour De Pier has helped, the bi Pharm companies under fund Brain cancer drugs, because they don't see these type pf drugs as big money makers. So your donations have helped Doctor and researchers at UCLA in the development of new drugs to fight this battle. We also have been able to help fund services for families being affected by these disease.
Team We are family is being honored this year as one of the featured teams. I am honored to ride with these people. It's always one of my favorite days of the year. Help me make a difference.
When I was playing rugby, if you were behind someone with the ball, or right there to help someone I with ruck, or a maul, you would simply say "With You".
If you are able to donate I surely appreciate it.
With You!
(if you know you know)