Running for John and Olevia
Below is the standard text with the basic facts about my part to raise money for pancreatic cancer research. The more personal part is that I'm running in memory of my dad - John Petterson - and my close friend's mom - Olevia Fleming - both of whom died from this devastating and fast-acting cancer. This is my first marathon, and I wanted to make it meaningful. I appreciate anyone who joins me in this fundraising journey.
On March 16, 2025 I will be running in the LA Marathon as a part of the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Research's Team - the Hirshberg Training Team. I expect to log nearly 250 miles and I've committed to raise at least $1,000 to fight this disease.
Pancreatic cancer has sent a ripple effect across this nation. All of the members of the Hirshberg Training Team are helping the Hirshberg Foundation raise money to fund research and programs designed to improve patient care, offer better treatment options and, ultimately find a cure for pancreatic cancer. Together, and with your support, we can make a huge difference in the battle against pancreatic cancer. Please make a donation today and help me to reach my fundraising goal!

Fundraising Finish-line in site
I'm almost there with $750
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Michelle Bodensteiner
Martha Nakamoto
Loren A. Roberts
Doris and Larry Cose
Michael P Stephenson
Per Anell
Sheryl Ryan
Stacey Fross
Brenda Mitchell
Gina Farino
Janice Grancich
Anita Whang
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