13th Annual Tour de Pier is Sunday, May 18, 2025

Tour de Pier 2024


It's that time of year again where we will be riding in honor of my incredible mother, Michaela Bolivar! On May 19th, we will all be gathering in Manhattan Beach by the pier to ride on stationary bikes in honor of our loved ones and in hopes of raising money to further invest into research. Here is my story and why I am so passionate about raising money for these incredible foundations:

Four years ago, I lost not only my mom but my best friend to Pancreas Cancer. If you knew my Mom, you would know how passionate she is about health and wellness and surrounded her entire life with the goal of being healthy. Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer does not care whether you are healthy or not and chances today of beating it are so slim.... My mom fought as hard as she could for two years and made extreme life changes to give herself the best chance of surviving it. Sadly this wasn't enough and she lost her battle in June of 2020. 

Riding for my Mom has become a yearly tradition as I want to do everything in my best effort to reduce the loss of a family member due to cancer for everyone out there. Patients and families of patients deserve a fighting chance to beat cancer and have their loved ones around longer. Making my mom proud has become my life mission and I want to continue to keep her spirit alive and through TDP I am able to celebrate her life every year. 

Please consider contributing towards my fundraising efforts today. Or if you'd like, you can join me for a day of fun at the beach, a great ride, remembering those we have lost and celebrating those who are currently battling this disease. Together we can make a huge difference so that no one faces cancer alone. Let's ride in place and move charity forward! 


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