Welcome to Jeremy's Fundraising Page
In less than two weeks I will be participating in the Tour de Pier. TDP is a charity event that brings hundreds of stationary cycling bikes to the iconic Manhattan Beach Strand to create awareness and raise funds for three outstanding cancer charities: Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, the Cancer Support Community South Bay and the Uncle Kory Foundation.
I know that cancer has affected each and every one of our lives. This year it personally hit very close to home for our family. In the moments that I have felt the most powerless, I have found relief in focusing on the things that I can control. I can control my time and decide where to give my limited energy. I can control my money and the organizations that I chose to support. That being said, I would like to ask you to spend a few moments of your precious time to grab your credit card. Then I would greatly appreciate it if you would be as generous as possible and contribute to our charity fund. There is no donation too small! Every dollar we collect will be spent on cancer research, cancer aid, and much needed cancer support services.
Together we can make a huge difference so that no one faces cancer alone. Let's ride in place and move charity forward!
Platinum Status
I've raised $2,500+
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Alyssa De Villiers
Blair and Eric Sprunk
Christopher Taylor
Cooper J. Sprunk
Erica Reiling
Federico Scarano
Jaffa Family
Jennifer Theofiledes
Jessica Theofiledes
Joyce and Lynda
Michael Rahimzadeh
Michael Silver
Nick & Britt Geller
Robbie & Gavi Stotler
Stacie Johnson
Tony Waltier
My Achievements:
Corporate Pre-Paid Rider
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