In Memory of Siva Balakrishnan
On July 28, 2020, my father, Dr. Siva Balakrishnan, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. After bringing my mother and him to LA, he lived for approximately 2.5 months before ultimately succumbing to this ruthless disease on October 19. This story is not uncommon for patients & families affected by pancreatic cancer. Despite the fact that we were all physicians, we were helpless when it came to being able to do anything to fight this cancer because it was detected so late. Late detection and fewer treatment options make pancreatic cancer one of the most deadly cancers for the people it hits. My father was an outstanding physician and an even more extraordinary person. He was my best friend, role model, and mentor, my very own Superman. I feel his absence every day. I have chosen to honor him and his legacy by making it my lifelong mission to continue the fight for research to develop methods of early detection, treatment options, and an overall better understanding of this aggressive cancer.
This year, I am participating in the LA Cancer Challenge with a team of some of the closest people in my life in honor of my dad's memory and the many other patients & families who have been affected by pancreatic cancer. The challenge helps the Hirshberg Foundation raise money to fund research and programs designed to improve patient care, offer better treatment options and, ultimately find a cure for pancreatic cancer.
Please consider donating to our team. We invite anyone to join us on October 27th, whether on our team in-person or virtually, as we remember those we have lost and celebrate those who are currently battling this disease. Together, regardless of where we are, we can make a huge difference in the battle against pancreatic cancer.
With Love,

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