Welcome to My Personal Page

Each year, we raise money in honor of Glenn Buck, and continue the fight he and his family wage against Pancreatic Cancer.
Everything I experience in life now, comes through the lens of being responsible for a miniature human. If I was gone, how would her life change?
We have a lot of routine things, and a lot of life moments every month. I’m lucky to have them, and I try to remember that. This week, we’re sleeping without diapers. Glenn didn’t get to see Ollie out of diapers. Ollie won’t have Glenn holding the back of his bike, or giving him advice on his swings. He won’t lack for love, or for coaching, but he won’t have Glenn. There are survivors, right now, who, thanks to the research donations made in this fundraising drive, and the advancements made from those donations, who are alive to celebrate this with their toddlers. If you are reading this you’ve likely donated before - which means you, yes, YOU did that. Would you mind doing it again? For someone - it will mean everything.
If you would like to read and know a little about Glenn, please copy and paste the link below into your browser and read about the man in whose memory we have the privilege of walking:
Thank you for any donation you can make.

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