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✳ Have questions? Please call us at 310-473-5121 or email info@pancreatic.org.

Walk-up registration and packet pick-up
Enjoy music, entertainment, Halloween festivities and health & fitness booths for all ages in the Fit Family Expo. Our whimsical Candyland Kids Zone includes larger than life candy decor and fun activities.
If you would like to save time on race morning, stop by our LACC Packet Pick-up to collect your t-shirt and running bib before event day.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Big 5 Sporting Goods Santa Monica
3121 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica
9:30 am - 12 noon
If you cannot make it to Packet Pick Up, that's ok too. Simply arrive with ample time on race morning and proceed to the Pre-Registration Area.
Virtual Participants: Packet Pick Up info for Virtual Participants is here.
U.C.L.A.’s Wilson Plaza
120 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Northbound (from the South Bay): Take Interstate 405 (San Diego Freeway) north, and exit at Sunset Blvd. Turn right on Sunset. Turn right onto Westwood Plaza and, and proceed down to the Structure 4 entrance.
Southbound (from the Valley): Take Interstate 405 (San Diego Freeway) south, and exit at Sunset Boulevard. Turn left at the end of the off-ramp and turn east (left) onto Sunset. Turn south (right) onto Westwood Plaza, and proceed down to the Structure 4 entrance.
Parking is available in Lot 4.
Self-service pay stations are located in the lot and the cost ranges from $4 - $12 for 1 hour 3 hours or $16 all day.
To save time on event morning, pre-purchase your Lot 4 parking pass on the BruinEpermit website. Search LA Cancer Challenge, select Lot 4, then add your vehicle and payment details.
Parking details for Volunteers, Sponsors and Exhibitors will be emailed prior to the event.